We are open for business and able to see clients virtually or in person.

Please refer to the following safety plan for details on how we are keeping our staff and clients safe.

Buxton Consulting Ltd. Covid-19 Safety Plan

• Staff and clients must use hand sanitizer upon entering the office.
• Masks must be worn in all common areas.
• Masks can be provided when required.
• A health questionnaire and a temperature check are performed upon entering the office.
• Contract tracing measures are being conducted.
• Signage has been posted restricting access to the workplace to those who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.

• Where possible clients are seen in offices that allow for physical distancing.
• Clients have access to virtual options for meetings.
• Where possible staff meetings are conducted using virtual methods.
• Access to common use rooms are restricted to the posted maximum occupancy limits.
• Washroom is sanitized after each use.
• Common places, offices, other workspaces, and commonly touched surfaces are sanitized multiple times throughout the day.
• Staff are provided with personal hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks for their use only.
• Staff are encouraged to practice frequent hand washing practices.

• Individual offices allow staff to maintain physical distance between co-workers and clients.
• Staff and clients are directed to only allow one person in the corridor at a time to ensure physical distancing.
• Whenever possible, physical distancing is adhered to. In all other instances masks or face coverings are worn.
• Where clients have used office space, additional sanitizing measures are performed immediately.

• When booking appointments, clients are reminded to reschedule if they experience symptoms typical of COVID-19 or are placed in self-isolation.
• Non-essential in-person interaction between workers and clients is reduced through other methods, (e.g., use of virtual meeting tools, email, or telephone).
• Front reception area is arranged to support physical distancing.
• All non-essential communal items, such as snacks, beverages and magazines have been removed.
• Greetings such as handshaking and other close contact will be avoided.
• Use of communal pens is prohibited.

• Non-essential transportation or business travel is limited to exceptional circumstances only.
• Travel between offices or work locations is restricted to essential functions.