Participant Success – Assembly Line Worker

- Program Objective -

The “Quality Employment Skills Training (QUEST)” program is open to individuals 16 or older facing non-specific barriers to employment throughout the Fraser Valley.

- Training Plan Development -

Participant identified multiple barriers to employment including a serious injury that affected all aspects of their life.  The participant did not have an employment goal in mind but did know their limitations for length and frequency of work. Together with their Employment Specialist they developed a return-to-work plan. 

- Supports Provided -

Participant completed Needs Assessment and a Career Direction Inventory assessment to determine a feasible path to employment given their challenges.  Results of the assessments were Assembly Line Worker and a Farm worker.
Participant was assisted with resume, job search and getting an interview setup with a potential employer.
Participant went in for the interview and was offered a part-time job as an Assembly Line Worker.

- Results -

After working for about 1.5 months as an Assembly Line worker, participant was promoted and is now responsible for supplying the assembly line with parts for assembly. Participant has completed 3 months of sustainable employment.