Our Workshops
Job search readiness
This workshop examines how well we know ourselves and how this self-knowledge will help us in the job search process. Participants will do some self-reflection as well as learn some new skills that will assist them to transition into the workforce either for the first time or possibly in a new way.
**This workshop requires an assessment package to be completed and scored prior to attending the workshop.
Resume Skills
This workshop will provide participants with the latest information on resume best practices. By the end of the workshop, you should have a better understanding of what an employer is looking for in a resume and how to best present this information. You will also have completed at least a framework of a resume that can be completed with your Employment Specialist.
Cover letters
Like the resume workshop, this workshop will provide participants with the latest information on cover letter best practices. By the end of the workshop, you should have a better understanding of how to use your cover letter to highlight job specific skills and market the benefits you would bring to the company that is doing the hiring. You will also have completed at least a framework of a cover letter that can be completed with your Employment Specialist and adapted for different positions.
Online Job Search
The job search process has changed immensely in the last 20 years and now has predominantly moved online. This workshop will help participants navigate the new online job search methods, find the best websites to use and how to most effectively complete online paperwork such as job applications.
Interview skills
This workshop is an opportunity for participants to learn what employers are hoping to accomplish with a job interview. There will be the chance to go through commonly asked interview questions and prepare how to answer them. Interview protocols will also be examined.
Keeping Your Job
Congratulations on getting a job. This workshop will help you to develop the skills that will enable you to be successful in your new position. Topics covered will include: passing probation, effective communication, conflict management and working safely among other things.